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Complete Review of FeedbackWhiz Features, Pros, Cons, and Top Competitors for Optimal eCommerce Success

 FeedbackWhiz is an all-in-one software solution for Amazon sellers that helps them manage their orders, products, feedback, reviews, and much more. The platform provides a suite of powerful tools, analytics, and features that enable sellers to automate their business processes, streamline their workflows, and increase their sales.

Complete Review of FeedbackWhiz Features, Pros, Cons, and Top Competitors for Optimal eCommerce Success

One  of the most significant advantages of FeedbackWhiz is its ability to help sellers manage their feedback and reviews  on Amazon. The platform provides sellers with a complete feedback management system that helps them track their feedback, receive alerts when negative feedback is posted, and respond to feedback quickly and efficiently. In addition, FeedbackWhiz provides sellers with a review management system that helps them track, manage, and respond to reviews left on their products.

FeedbackWhiz's suite of analytics tools is also another prominent feature that helps sellers analyze their sales data, track their key performance indicators (KPIs), and optimize their business strategies. The analytics tools include features such as advanced reporting, customizable dashboards, and detailed sales data analysis. With these tools, sellers can better understand their customers' buying patterns and identify areas for improvement in their product catalog, pricing, and marketing strategies.

Another advantage of FeedbackWhiz is that it integrates seamlessly with Amazon's API, enabling sellers to import their orders and product data directly into the platform. This integration eliminates the need for manual data entry, allowing sellers to save time and reduce errors in their business processes. Furthermore, FeedbackWhiz also integrates with other third-party tools and services, such as ShipStation, to streamline sellers' workflow further.

One essential feature of FeedbackWhiz is its automation capabilities. The platform enables sellers to automate various aspects of their business, such as sending feedback requests, responding to negative feedback, and tracking their competitors' prices. These automation features not only save sellers time but also help them run their businesses more efficiently by ensuring that critical tasks are always completed on time.

FeedbackWhiz's customer support is another significant advantage of the platform. The platform provides sellers with a dedicated support team that is available 24/7 to answer questions, provide guidance, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. The support team is knowledgeable and responsive, ensuring that sellers receive the assistance they need quickly and effectively.

Finally, FeedbackWhiz's pricing model is another advantage of the platform. The platform offers several pricing plans that cater to sellers of all sizes and budgets, starting from as low as $19 per month. The pricing plans are flexible and customizable, enabling sellers to select the features they need and pay only for what they use.

In terms of numbers, FeedbackWhiz has helped over 30,000 Amazon sellers worldwide to manage their businesses more efficiently and profitably. The platform has also processed over 10 million orders to date, demonstrating its scalability and reliability. Furthermore, FeedbackWhiz's automation features have saved sellers over 10,000 hours of work, enabling them to focus on more strategic areas of their business.


In conclusion, FeedbackWhiz is an all-in-one software solution for Amazon sellers that offers a suite of powerful tools, analytics, and features to help them manage their businesses more efficiently. The platform's feedback and review management system, analytics tools, integration with Amazon's API, automation features, customer support, and flexible pricing model are some of the many reasons why it is an excellent choice for any Amazon seller looking to optimize their business processes and drive more sales

FeedbackWhiz pricing in 2023

FeedbackWhiz is a cloud-based system, which means that you can access it from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. The platform provides a range of features that help Amazon sellers automate their tasks so that they can focus on growing their business. There are several different tiers available, including the Basic, Professional, and Enterprise tiers. Each of these tiers comes with different features and pricing.

Basic Tier

The Basic tier is the lowest priced tier available and is designed for new Amazon sellers or those who have only just started using FeedbackWhiz. The Basic tier costs $19.99 per month and comes with a range of features, including email automation, order management, and feedback monitoring. The Basic tier also includes access to the Product Review Manager, which allows you to track your product reviews and respond to them directly through the FeedbackWhiz interface.

Professional Tier

The Professional tier is the most popular tier and is designed for more established Amazon sellers who have a larger inventory and more sales. The Professional tier costs $39.99 per month and comes with all of the features of the Basic tier, as well as additional features. These features include product management, inventory management, and the ability to analyze your Amazon sales data. The Professional tier also includes access to the Email Campaign Manager, which allows you to create and send customized email campaigns to your customers.

Enterprise Tier

The Enterprise tier is designed for large Amazon sellers who have a significant amount of sales and inventory. This tier costs $79.99 per month and includes all of the features of the Professional tier, along with additional features. These features include access to the Amazon FBA Revenue Calculator, which allows you to calculate your revenue based on your FBA fees and commissions. The Enterprise tier also includes customizable dashboards and reports, as well as access to the Feedback Analytics tool, which provides in-depth analysis of your feedback data.


FeedbackWhiz is an excellent solution for Amazon sellers who are looking to automate their tasks and focus on growing their business. The pricing for FeedbackWhiz is affordable and tiered, so you can choose the level of features and services that best suit your business needs. The Basic tier is ideal for new sellers or those with a smaller inventory, while the Professional tier is suitable for more established sellers. The Enterprise tier is designed for large sellers who have a significant amount of sales and inventory. Regardless of which tier you choose, FeedbackWhiz provides excellent value for money and is a must-have tool for any Amazon seller.

10 features of FeedbackWhiz (pros)

FeedbackWhiz  Email Automation 

Email automation has become a crucial part of the e-commerce industry. It allows businesses to streamline their processes and reach out to their customers in a more efficient manner. FeedbackWhiz is a tool that offers email automation services, allowing businesses to automate their product review and feedback requests to their customers. Let’s explore how FeedbackWhiz can help businesses in automating their feedback requests and improving their customer engagement.

First, let’s understand the importance of product reviews and feedback for businesses. Product reviews play a crucial role in the decision-making process of customers. According to a survey conducted by BrightLocal, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and positive reviews can increase a business's conversion rate by up to 270%. Similarly, customer feedback is essential for businesses to improve their products and services. A study by Microsoft found that 52% of customers switched to a competitor's brand after having a bad customer service experience, and 91% of unhappy customers will not return to a business again. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to collect and manage customer feedback and reviews to improve their products, services, and overall customer experience.

FeedbackWhiz offers a range of features that can help businesses automate their feedback requests and manage customer reviews. The email automation feature allows businesses to set up automatic email campaigns to request product reviews and feedback from customers. This feature can save businesses time and effort by automating the process of sending review requests, reminders, and follow-ups. The email templates offered by FeedbackWhiz can be customized to suit the business's needs, and the tool allows businesses to target the right customers at the right time for maximum impact.

Let's explore the benefits of using FeedbackWhiz for email automation with numbers. Assume a business sells around 1000 products every month, and the goal is to increase the number of reviews and feedback received from customers. Here is how FeedbackWhiz can help in achieving this goal:

1. Automated Review Requests: With FeedbackWhiz, businesses can set up automated review requests to customers who have recently purchased their products. Assuming that a business can expect a 10% response rate from these emails, setting up automated requests means they can receive around 100 reviews every month.

2. Timing is Everything: FeedbackWhiz allows businesses to target the right customers at the right time for maximum impact. With the tool's intelligent targeting system, businesses can identify the customers who are most likely to leave a review and send review requests accordingly. For instance, sending a review request within 3-5 days of purchase can result in a higher response rate from customers. Assuming a 20% response rate from these targeted review requests, businesses can further increase the number of reviews received.

3. Follow-Up Emails: With FeedbackWhiz, businesses can also set up automated follow-up emails to customers who have not left a review after the first request. Sending follow-up emails increases the chances of receiving a review and can lead to a higher response rate. Assuming a 15% response rate from these follow-up emails, businesses can further increase the number of reviews received.

4. Positive Feedback Loop: Positive reviews can increase a business's conversion rate by up to 270%. With FeedbackWhiz's positive review capturing feature, businesses can identify and respond to positive reviews in real-time. Positive reviews can also be used to create social proof and increase customer trust and loyalty.

In conclusion, FeedbackWhiz's email automation feature can help businesses streamline their feedback and review collection process, leading to increased customer engagement and improved products and services. The tool's intelligent targeting system, automated review requests, and follow-up email features can help businesses increase their review response rates and receive more feedback from customers.

FeedbackWhiz Order Management

FeedbackWhiz is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers, and its Order Management feature provides a comprehensive solution for managing and tracking orders. With this feature, sellers can view and manage all their orders from a single dashboard, saving them time and effort in managing their business.

One of the benefits of FeedbackWhiz's Order Management feature is that it provides a bird's eye view of all your orders. This means that you can see all your orders in one dashboard, regardless of their status - whether they are unfulfilled, pending, shipped, or cancelled. You can quickly find the information you need, and see how your orders are progressing.

Additionally, the Order Management feature allows sellers to filter their orders by various criteria, such as order date, item status, order status, and more. This makes it easy to quickly find specific orders, and to focus on the most important ones.

FeedbackWhiz's Order Management feature also provides detailed information about each order, including the order number, customer information, shipping information, and more. You can even see the order timeline, which shows you when the order was placed, when it was shipped, and other important events related to the order.

Another benefit of FeedbackWhiz's Order Management feature is that it allows you to take action on your orders directly from the dashboard. For example, you can mark an order as shipped, cancel an order, or issue a refund, all without leaving the dashboard. This saves you time and effort, and ensures that your orders are managed efficiently.

Finally, FeedbackWhiz's Order Management feature includes powerful analytics and reporting tools. For example, you can view sales reports, track order status trends, and analyze order details such as item quantities, fulfillment times, and more. This can help you make informed decisions about your business, and identify areas where you can improve.

Overall, FeedbackWhiz's Order Management feature provides a comprehensive solution for managing and tracking Amazon orders. With a single dashboard that provides detailed information about each order, powerful filtering and action tools, and advanced analytics and reporting, it is an essential tool for any Amazon seller

FeedbackWhiz Review Management

With Feedbackwhiz platform, businesses can easily monitor and analyze customer reviews and use the insights gained to improve their products and services to meet customer needs and expectations better.

One of the critical features of Feedbackwhiz is its review tracking capability. The platform collects and aggregates reviews from various marketplaces, such as Amazon, eBay, and Walmart, and presents them in an easy-to-read dashboard. The dashboard provides businesses with a comprehensive view of all their reviews, including the date, rating, and review content. This allows businesses to keep track of reviews, identify patterns, and monitor trends over time.

Apart from tracking reviews, Feedbackwhiz also provides a feedback management system that enables businesses to interact with their customers and respond to feedback effectively. The system streamlines the process of responding to customer feedback by allowing businesses to automate their responses. This helps businesses to respond quickly and professionally to customer feedback, improving customer satisfaction and building customer loyalty.

Another essential aspect of Feedbackwhiz is its ability to analyze customer feedback data. With this platform, businesses can mine customer feedback to gain valuable insights into their products and services. By analyzing customer feedback, businesses can identify areas where they need to make improvements to their products, better understand customer needs and preferences, and generate new product ideas that will delight customers.

Feedbackwhiz also offers a rating analysis tool that businesses can use to track and monitor their product ratings. The tool tracks product ratings over time and provides businesses with insights into the factors that influence their ratings. With this information, businesses can make the necessary adjustments to improve their product quality, design, and delivery, increasing their chances of receiving positive ratings and reviews.

The platform also provides an email campaign management tool that businesses can use to request feedback from customers directly. The tool enables businesses to create personalized email campaigns that request feedback from customers, increasing the likelihood of receiving feedback that businesses can use to improve their products and services.

, Feedbackwhiz is an essential tool for businesses that want to stay competitive in today's market. With its review tracking, feedback, and rating management capabilities, the platform enables businesses to monitor customer feedback, respond to feedback, analyze data, and improve their products and services. By leveraging the insights and data gained through Feedbackwhiz, businesses can increase customer satisfaction, build customer loyalty, and grow their revenue over time

Keyword Tracking

FeedbackWhiz makes it easy to track keyword rankings by providing a comprehensive dashboard that displays all of the relevant metrics in one place. These metrics include your product's ranking for each keyword, as well as its position change over time. This gives you a clear picture of how your products are performing in relation to your chosen keywords and enables you to make data-driven decisions about your Amazon strategy.

One of the key advantages of using FeedbackWhiz for keyword tracking is its ability to provide real-time updates on your product's ranking. This means that you can see how your products are performing in Amazon search results in real-time, allowing you to adjust your strategy as needed to stay ahead of the competition.

Another important aspect of keyword tracking is understanding how your competitors are performing for the same keywords. FeedbackWhiz provides this data as well, allowing you to see the ranking and performance of your competitors' products for the same keywords. This can give you valuable insights into the strategies your competitors are using and help you stay ahead of them in Amazon search results.

FeedbackWhiz also provides advanced analytics and reporting tools that allow you to dive deeper into your keyword performance data. This includes features such as trend analysis, which shows you how your rankings have changed over time, and keyword grouping, which enables you to organize your keywords into logical groups for easier analysis.

In conclusion, tracking keyword rankings and performance on Amazon is a critical aspect of any successful Amazon business, and FeedbackWhiz provides an all-in-one solution for managing this process. By providing real-time updates on keyword rankings, insights into your competitors' performance, and advanced analytics tools, FeedbackWhiz helps Amazon sellers optimize their listings and improve their visibility and sales on the platform.

  Sales Analytics  in FeedbackWhiz 

There are several key metrics that FeedbackWhiz can help you track including sales velocity, conversion rates, and customer feedback. It can even help you keep an eye on your competitors by tracking their sales and pricing strategies.

One of the most important metrics that FeedbackWhiz can help you track is sales velocity. Sales velocity refers to the rate at which your products are selling over a period of time. By tracking sales velocity, you can quickly identify which products are selling well and which ones are not. This can help you make better decisions about product selection, pricing, and marketing.

In addition to sales velocity, FeedbackWhiz can also help you track conversion rates. Conversion rates refer to the percentage of visitors to your Amazon store that make a purchase. By tracking conversion rates, you can identify any issues with your product listings or sales process that may be affecting your ability to convert visitors into customers.

Customer feedback is another important metric that FeedbackWhiz can help you track. You can monitor customer reviews and feedback to identify any issues with your products or customer service. This information can help you make improvements to your products and services to improve customer satisfaction and ultimately, sales performance.

With FeedbackWhiz, you can access detailed analytics that can help you make data-driven decisions about your Amazon store. This information can help you identify trends and patterns that you may not have noticed otherwise. For example, you may notice that sales of a particular product are higher during certain times of the year. Armed with this information, you can adjust your marketing and sales strategies to capitalize on these trends.

In addition to tracking your own sales data, FeedbackWhiz can also help you keep an eye on your competitors. The tool can track their sales and pricing strategies, so you can identify any areas where you may need to adjust your pricing or marketing efforts to stay competitive.

Finally, FeedbackWhiz provides a number of other useful features to help you manage your Amazon store more effectively. For example, it includes a customer management tool that can help you organize customer data and track interactions with individual customers. You can also use the tool to create email campaigns to follow up with customers after they make a purchase.

Customizable Dashboards

Overall, FeedbackWhiz is an incredibly powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to take their sales performance to the next level. With its detailed analytics and advanced features, it can help you make data-driven decisions and identify new opportunities for growth. So if you're serious about growing your Amazon store, FeedbackWhiz is definitely a tool worth considering

  One of its essential features is the customizable dashboard, where sellers can view data and key performance indicators (KPIs) vital to their business operations.

Customizable dashboards allow Amazon sellers to track their essential metrics in real-time. It provides them with customizable data visualizations to monitor and analyze their performance across various parameters, including sales, orders, campaigns, and customer feedback. The platform comes with a default dashboard. However, sellers can customize these dashboards to show only the metrics that are relevant to their operations.

The seller can choose a variety of performance metrics to display in the dashboard, including:

1. Sales Metrics:
These metrics can provide sellers with a comprehensive overview of their sales performance. The platform can track sales data from different marketplaces, such as the total number of orders fulfilled, the total revenue, the average order value, the growth rate, and the total number of refunds.

2. Inventory Metrics:
Inventory management is a critical aspect of Amazon business. With FeedbackWhiz, sellers can track their inventory and get precise inventory metrics and alerts. For instance, they can track the number of products in stock, the inventory turnover, the inventory aging, and the pending purchase orders.

3. Marketing Metrics:
The platform allows sellers to measure metrics related to their advertising campaigns. These metrics include campaign performance, click-through rates (CTR), cost per click (CPC), impressions, sales attribution, and return on investment (ROI).

4. Customer Service Metrics:
Sellers can get customer feedback and use it to improve their business operations. For instance, FeedbackWhiz provides metrics such as feedback rating, response time, customer satisfaction rate, and feedback analytics.

5. Order Metrics:
The order metrics provide data about the order fulfillment process. It includes order rate, order timing, pending orders, and order quality control.

Overall, with customizable dashboards, Amazon sellers can efficiently monitor their business performance data in real-time. They can respond adequately to changes in the market and their businesses to leverage their strengths and improve their weaknesses. In conclusion, FeedbackWhiz is an invaluable tool for Amazon sellers who want to ensure their business's success through informed decision-making based on accurate data

FeedbackWhiz's competitor analysis

With FeedbackWhiz's competitor analysis feature, you can track and analyze your competitors' products and pricing to gain insights into the market and to help you optimize your own listings.

Competitor tracking is a key feature of FeedbackWhiz that allows you to monitor your competitors' behavior and stay up-to-date on market trends. With competitor tracking, you can see which products your competitors are listing and how they price them. This feature can be particularly useful in identifying pricing trends and helping you set your own prices.

Competitor tracking can also help you uncover new opportunities for product development. By monitoring your competitors' product listings, you can identify gaps in the market that you could fill. For example, if your competitors do not offer a certain product or only offer it at a high price, you may find an opportunity to enter the market with a new product at a more competitive price point.

Monitoring your competitors' products and prices is not only useful for identifying opportunities but also for staying competitive. You can use FeedbackWhiz's competitor analysis feature to identify your pricing strengths and weaknesses. For example, if your prices are consistently higher than your competitors' prices, you may need to adjust your pricing strategy to be more competitive in the market.

In addition to competitor pricing analysis, FeedbackWhiz can also generate product review analyses for your competitors. This feature allows you to see the overall sentiment of your competitors' product reviews and to understand what customers like and dislike about their products. By analyzing the sentiment of your competitors' reviews, you can get a good idea of what customers are looking for and where your products can improve.

To put the importance of competitor analysis into perspective, consider the following statistics:

According to a 2019 survey by BigCommerce, 35% of Amazon sellers reported that their biggest challenge was competing with other sellers and maintaining pricing competitiveness. These sellers recognized the importance of monitoring competitors' prices and product offerings, as well as understanding the marketplace as a whole.

Another study by Jungle Scout found that in 2021, the average Amazon seller spent roughly 10 hours per week researching prices and competition. This time was spent analyzing the competition's listings, monitoring reviews, as well as investigating new product opportunities.

Furthermore, research by Feedvisor showed that while pricing is critical, it is only one part of the puzzle to win the buy box, which refers to the placement of your product in a prime position on Amazon's product page. Other factors include offering fast shipping, high-quality photos, and positive customer reviews.

Overall, FeedbackWhiz's competitor analysis feature provides a powerful tool for Amazon sellers to keep an eye on competitors' prices, monitor trends, and optimize their product offerings. By taking the time to understand your competition, you can identify opportunities for growth and improvement in your own business, ultimately leading to increased sales, profits, and market share.

FeedbackWhiz product research tools

FeedbackWhiz offers product research tools that help sellers find profitable products to sell on Amazon and improve their ROI. In this article, we will explore how FeedbackWhiz's product research tools work and the benefits they offer to Amazon sellers.

How do FeedbackWhiz's product research tools work?

FeedbackWhiz's product research tools primarily work by analyzing the data from Amazon's marketplace and providing insights into the sales trends, product demand, pricing, revenue, and other key metrics. FeedbackWhiz's product research tools carry out these analyses through different features that allow sellers to make informed decisions when selecting products to sell on Amazon. Some of the essential features of FeedbackWhiz's product research tools include:

- Product Database: FeedbackWhiz's product database allows sellers to find new products that have high demand but low competition. Sellers can scan through the product categories and filter the products using several criteria such as sales rank, price, revenue, reviews, etc.

- Keyword Research: FeedbackWhiz's keyword research tool enables sellers to identify the high-traffic and low competition keywords that they can use to optimize their product listings and improve their search ranking.

- Product Tracker: FeedbackWhiz's product tracker feature allows sellers to keep track of their competitors, monitor their sales volume and price changes, determine the demand level for different categories, and identify gaps in the market where they can capitalize on.

- Sales Dashboard: The sales dashboard provides sellers with a real-time view of their sales activities on Amazon. It displays key metrics such as sales volume, revenue, profit margins, product performance, and customer feedback.

What are the benefits of FeedbackWhiz's product research tools for Amazon sellers?

According to 2021 market statistics, Amazon has over 2.5 million active sellers, and the competition is fierce. Finding profitable products to sell is one of the most significant challenges Amazon sellers face. However, with FeedbackWhiz's product research tools, sellers can overcome this challenge and reap the following benefits:

1. Time-Saving: FeedbackWhiz's product research tools enable sellers to sift through the vast product database and find profitable products within minutes. This time-saving feature allows sellers to focus on other aspects of their business and increase their productivity.

2. Increased Sales: FeedbackWhiz's product research tools help sellers identify products that have high demand and offer them at a competitive price. This strategy increases their chances of making more sales and maximizing their revenue.

3. Improved ROI: FeedbackWhiz's product research tools enable sellers to make informed decisions when selecting products to sell on Amazon. They can analyze metrics such as the product's sales volume, revenue, profit margin, and customer feedback to determine whether a product is worth investing in.

4. Reduced Risk: With FeedbackWhiz's product research tools, sellers can identify market gaps and capitalize on them. This strategy helps minimize the risk of selling products that have a low demand and high competition.

 FeedbackWhiz's product research tools offer Amazon sellers a range of features that enable them to find profitable products with ease and efficiency. This strategy helps sellers increase their sales, ROI, and reduce the risks associated with selling on Amazon. As the competition on Amazon continues to increase, sellers require intelligent solutions such as FeedbackWhiz's product research tools to stay ahead of the curve

Listing optimization

Listing optimization is the process of improving the visibility and appeal of your product listings on ecommerce platforms. One of the key ways to optimize your product listings is through the use of relevant and effective keywords. This is where FeedbackWhiz’s keyword optimization tool comes in, providing sellers with a comprehensive solution to enhance the quality of their product listings on platforms such as Amazon.

FeedbackWhiz’s keyword optimization tool uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to analyze thousands of keywords in real-time. The tool provides sellers with relevant keywords that can increase their products’ visibility and sales. Keyword optimization is essential on Amazon because the platform has a search function that relies heavily on keywords. The better optimized your product listings are, the easier they will be to find by prospective buyers.

One of the key benefits of FeedbackWhiz’s keyword optimization tool is the ability to identify high-volume and low-competition keywords. These keywords provide a competitive edge to sellers as they optimize for phrases or words that are actively being searched by customers and have low competition. The data-driven insights provided by the tool help sellers to create highly targeted product listings, which can significantly improve their chances of getting their products noticed. The tool also aids in detecting redundant or irrelevant keywords that could be causing the item to show poorly in search results.

To understand the importance of keyword optimization, consider the following statistics:

1. According to recent research, 89% of online shoppers use search engines to research before making a purchase, with 11% of them using Amazon first.

2. As many as 70% of Amazon customers never click beyond the first page of search results.

3. A Forrester Research study revealed that the majority of online sales are driven by search traffic, with 53% of all website traffic coming from organic search.

These statistics underline the significance of keyword optimization and the need to have a comprehensive keyword strategy to improve the visibility and ranking of your products.

FeedbackWhiz’s keyword optimization tool also recommends long-tail keywords, which are longer phrases that are less competitive but highly targeted. Using long-tail keywords can help sellers to rank higher in search results, as they are easier to compete on, and hence less expensive to advertise than high-volume single-word phrases. In addition to this, long-tail keywords are more likely to generate clicks and conversions from highly-motivated buyers, leading to higher conversion rates and greater profits.

FeedbackWhiz’s keyword optimization tool is an essential solution for sellers looking to improve their product listings on Amazon. This tool provides valuable data-driven insights that can significantly impact the visibility and ranking of your products. The ability to identify high-volume and low-competition keywords, recommend long-tail keywords, and eliminate irrelevant or redundant keywords can help sellers to create highly targeted listings that attract more buyers. By using FeedbackWhiz’s keyword optimization tool, sellers can optimize their product listings to improve the likelihood of making more sales, ultimately leading to greater profits and business growth

 FeedbackWhiz Inventory management 

Inventory management is a critical aspect of running an Amazon FBA business. It involves keeping track of your inventory levels, ensuring that you have enough stock to meet customer demand, and managing the storage and shipping of your products. With the increasing popularity of Amazon FBA, it is essential to have an effective inventory management system in place. FeedbackWhiz is a software solution that provides a comprehensive inventory management tool for Amazon FBA sellers.

With FeedbackWhiz, you can easily track your Amazon FBA inventory levels. The software automatically pulls your inventory data from Amazon and provides real-time updates on the number of units you have in stock. This allows you to keep track of your inventory levels and make informed decisions about ordering more stock or adjusting your prices.

One of the most useful features of FeedbackWhiz's inventory management tool is the ability to set low inventory alerts. You can set a threshold for each of your products, and when the inventory falls below that level, you will receive an alert. This allows you to avoid running out of stock and potentially losing sales.

FeedbackWhiz's inventory management tool is the ability to create custom storage locations. You can set up unique storage locations for each of your products, which makes it easier to manage your inventory and ensures that you can quickly locate the products when you need to ship them to customers. You can even set up custom storage locations based on the size or type of products you sell, which can save time and make your fulfillment process more efficient.

software also provides valuable insights into your inventory management performance. You can view reports on your inventory turnover rate, average inventory age, and other metrics that help you optimize your inventory levels and improve your overall operations. These insights allow you to make data-driven decisions that can help you reduce storage costs, increase sales, and maximize profits.

 reviews of FeedbackWhiz's inventory management tool .

Customers praise the software for its easy-to-use interface and robust features. Many users appreciate the ability to track their inventory levels in real-time and receive notifications when stock is running low. Others note that the custom storage location feature is a game-changer, making it easier to manage their inventory and streamline their fulfillment process.

One customer writes, "FeedbackWhiz has been an absolute game-changer for my Amazon FBA business. Before using FeedbackWhiz, I was constantly worrying about running out of stock or not being able to find my products quickly. With the inventory management tool, I can keep track of my inventory levels and manage my storage locations in a way that saves me time and money. I highly recommend FeedbackWhiz to any Amazon FBA seller looking to streamline their operations."

Another customer notes, "I've tried a few different inventory management tools for Amazon FBA, and FeedbackWhiz is by far the best. The software is easy to use, and the custom storage location feature is a game-changer. I can quickly find and ship my products, which has helped me increase my sales and profits. I highly recommend FeedbackWhiz to anyone looking for a reliable, comprehensive inventory management tool."

FeedbackWhiz's inventory management tool is an excellent solution for Amazon FBA sellers looking to optimize their operations and increase their profits. The software provides real-time updates on inventory levels, custom storage locations, and valuable insights into inventory turnover rates and other metrics. With positive customer reviews and an easy-to-use interface, FeedbackWhiz is a highly recommended software for any Amazon FBA seller.

some of FeedbackWhiz i competitors n the Amazon seller tool area

1. Jungle Scout
2. Helium 10
3. Sellics
4. Viral Launch
5. AMZFinder
6. SellerApp
7. Teikametrics
8. ZonGuru
9. AMZ Tracker
10. Ignite by Seller Labs
11. FeedbackFive
12. Xsellco
13. AMZShark
14. Sonar by Sellics
15. SellerLegend
16. QuantifyNinja
17. AMZScout
18. Fetcher
19. HelloProfit
20. CashCowPro

FeedbackWhiz vs Jungle Scout

FeedbackWhiz and Jungle Scout are two popular software tools used in the e-commerce industry. The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast FeedbackWhiz with Jungle Scout to determine which software is better. The comparison will be based on various factors such as pricing, features, ease of use, and customer support.


FeedbackWhiz offers different pricing plans that are tailored to the needs of various users. The basic plan starts at $19.99/month, which includes email campaigns, order management, and analytics. Advanced plans include more features such as feedback management and product reviews. The most advanced plan is the Enterprise plan, which is suitable for higher volume businesses and it starts at $179.99/month.

Jungle Scout, on the other hand, offers an annual subscription that starts at $39/month. There are three plans to choose from. The Basic plan includes product research tools, the Suite plan includes more advanced research tools, and the Professional plan includes more features such as keyword research and product tracking.


Both FeedbackWhiz and Jungle Scout offer a range of features that are useful to e-commerce sellers. FeedbackWhiz offers features such as email campaigns, product reviews, order management, and feedback management. It also has an analytics dashboard that provides insights into sales performance and customer behavior.

Jungle Scout, on the other hand, has more of a focus on product research tools. It offers features such as product database searches, product tracking tools, and keyword research features. It also offers a sales estimator tool that provides estimates of sales volume for specific products.

Ease of Use:

FeedbackWhiz offers a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. Each feature is clearly labeled and there are video tutorials available to help users get started. The email campaign tool, in particular, is easy to use and allows users to create custom templates with ease.

Jungle Scout, on the other hand, has a more complex interface. The product research tools can take some time to master and the sales estimator tool requires a certain level of expertise to use effectively.

Customer Support:

FeedbackWhiz offers excellent customer support, with a dedicated support team available to help users with any issues they may encounter. The company also provides online resources such as video tutorials and an extensive knowledge base.

Jungle Scout also offers customer support, but it is not as robust as FeedbackWhiz. The company provides email support and has an online knowledge base, but there is no phone support available.


Based on the analysis above, FeedbackWhiz has an advantage over Jungle Scout in terms of pricing, ease of use, and customer support. FeedbackWhiz also offers a wider range of features that are useful to e-commerce sellers. However, Jungle Scout may be more suitable for sellers who want to focus specifically on product research. Ultimately, the choice between FeedbackWhiz and Jungle Scout will depend on the individual needs and goals of the seller.

 FeedbackWhiz vs Sellics

FeedbackWhiz and Sellics are excellent software solutions for Amazon sellers, offering a range of tools designed to help users optimize and streamline their Amazon business. but, there are some key differences to consider when deciding which platform is right for your needs.

FeedbackWhiz is a feedback and review management software that provides Amazon sellers with a suite of tools to automate feedback requests, view customer feedback, and monitor product reviews. The platform offers features such as automated email campaigns, review monitoring, and analytics to help sellers keep track of their feedback performance. FeedbackWhiz is also known for its customer service, with a dedicated support team available to assist users with any issues that might arise.

Sellics, on the other hand, is an all-in-one Amazon analytics tool that provides users with a comprehensive suite of features to manage their accounts. Sellics includes features such as keyword research, PPC advertising optimization, and competitor analysis, as well as a range of tools for inventory management and sales tracking. The platform is also known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for sellers to navigate and utilize its features.


When it comes to pricing, FeedbackWhiz offers a range of plans starting at $19.99/month for its basic plan, with more advanced features available on higher-tier plans. Sellics, on the other hand, has a slightly higher starting price of $47/month for its basic plan, with more advanced features available on higher-tier plans.

Both FeedbackWhiz and Sellics are designed to help Amazon sellers improve their sales and grow their businesses. However, the two platforms have different strengths and weaknesses, which should be taken into account when choosing the right tool for your needs.

If you’re primarily focused on improving your feedback performance and managing customer reviews, FeedbackWhiz is likely the better choice. The platform’s feedback management tools are comprehensive and easy to use, and the dedicated support team is an added bonus for users who may need assistance with the platform.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive solution that includes a wide range of tools for managing your Amazon business, Sellics is the way to go. The platform’s analytics and optimization tools are some of the best on the market, and the user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate and utilize its features.

Ultimately, the choice between FeedbackWhiz and Sellics will depend on your specific needs as an Amazon seller. Both platforms offer valuable features and benefits, and it’s important to carefully evaluate each one to ensure you’re choosing the tool that best meets your unique business needs.

feedbackwhiz vs jumpsend

When it comes to Amazon seller tools, FeedbackWhiz and JumpSend are two well-known names. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and choosing between them can be a challenge. In this article, we will compare FeedbackWhiz and JumpSend based on several critical factors and provide a detailed analysis of each platform.

1. Features

FeedbackWhiz and JumpSend are both software tools designed to help Amazon sellers manage and improve their businesses. While they share some similarities, they differ in scope and functionality.

FeedbackWhiz is a comprehensive suite of tools that offers a wide range of features to help sellers manage their Amazon business. These features include email automation, product review tracking, feedback management, analytics, and more. FeedbackWhiz provides useful data that tracks customer satisfaction with your products, allowing you to manage reviews in a timely manner, minimizing negative reviews, improving customer satisfaction, and earning more feedback. FeedbackWhiz also features analytics that provide insights into your business' performance, how your products are performing, and how much revenue you're generating.

JumpSend, meanwhile, focuses more on the process of launching products. JumpSend offers a deal site which offers deals for a product on Amazon in exchange for a review. It also offers email automation tools which allow you to communicate with customers who have bought your product and request reviews from them. JumpSend is geared towards helping Amazon sellers promote new products by reaching a wider audience of potential buyers.

 it is important to note that FeedbackWhiz does include some launch tools, although not nearly as extensive as JumpSend. FeedbackWhiz's launch tools allow you to create product landing pages, schedule email campaigns, and improve product listings by identifying errors.

when it come to  pricing, FeedbackWhiz offers various pricing plans for different levels of Amazon seller integration, from individual sellers to larger businesses. FeedbackWhiz’s basic plan starts from $20/month, whereas the enterprise plan, which includes advanced features, starts from $250/month.

JumpSend's pricing is based on the number of emails you send per month, with packages starting at $29/month for 500 emails. In addition to its email automation tools, JumpSend also offers a deal site that allows sellers to promote their products through product discount coupons that can be claimed on Amazon by customers.

 tow of FeedbackWhiz and JumpSend offer useful tools for Amazon sellers to manage and improve their businesses. FeedbackWhiz's features are more comprehensive, allowing sellers to manage every aspect of their business. JumpSend, on the other hand, focuses more on promoting a seller's new products on Amazon. It all comes down to your needs as an Amazon seller, and which tool can meet those needs the best.

2. Pricing

Both FeedbackWhiz and JumpSend offer various pricing plans, each tailored to specific needs and budgets. However, FeedbackWhiz's pricing plans are comparatively more affordable and offer more value for money. FeedbackWhiz standard package starts at $20 per month for 1000 emails compared to JumpSend's pricing plans, which start at $29 per month for 500 emails. Additionally, FeedbackWhiz offers unlimited orders per month on all its pricing plans, making it a better option for sellers with high selling volumes.

3. User-Friendliness

Both FeedbackWhiz and JumpSend are intuitive and user-friendly, requiring minimal learning curve even for novice Amazon sellers. However, FeedbackWhiz's interface is more polished and easier to navigate, making it easier for sellers to access and utilize tools. JumpSend's user interface is slightly more complicated, as it offers a plethora of tools and features that may take some time to fully understand and utilize.

4. Customer Support

Both FeedbackWhiz and JumpSend offer reliable customer support to their users, including email support, phone support, and chat support. However, FeedbackWhiz goes the extra mile and offers personalized support through a dedicated account manager for its Professional and Ultimate plans. This level of support ensures that sellers get the best solutions to their problems or queries.

5. Reputation

 FeedbackWhiz and JumpSend have an excellent reputation within the Amazon seller community. According to Trustpilot, FeedbackWhiz has a 4.8 rating based on 146 reviews, while JumpSend has a 4.2 rating based on 56 reviews. FeedbackWhiz's positive reviews highlight its user-friendliness, flexibility, and range of features, making it an excellent choice for Amazon sellers. JumpSend's reviews mainly praise its email automation tool, but some users complain about the platform being confusing.

FeedbackWhiz emerges as the clear winner in this comparison due to its low-cost pricing plans, extensive range of features, user-friendliness, and reputation in the Amazon seller community. While JumpSend is also an excellent Amazon seller tool, it is primarily focused on email automation and deal promotion, limiting its usefulness for sellers who need more comprehensive tools for their Amazon business

feeedbackWhiz vs Helium 10

1. Pricing

One of the key differences between FeedbackWhiz and Helium 10 is their pricing. FeedbackWhiz offers a simple pricing structure, with plans starting at $15 per month for up to 500 orders. Helium 10, on the other hand, offers a more complex pricing structure, with plans starting at $37 per month. Additionally, some of the more advanced features on Helium 10 require users to upgrade to the more expensive plans, which may not be practical for smaller sellers.

2. Features

Both FeedbackWhiz and Helium 10 offer a wide range of features to help Amazon sellers optimize their sales. However, the specific features offered by each platform differ. For example, FeedbackWhiz offers a range of feedback management tools, including automated feedback requests and negative feedback tracking. Helium 10, on the other hand, offers a suite of keyword research tools, including a keyword tracker, a keyword index checker, and a reverse ASIN lookup tool.

3. Ease of use

Another key difference between FeedbackWhiz and Helium 10 is the ease of use of each platform. While both platforms offer intuitive interfaces, some users may find one platform easier to use than the other. FeedbackWhiz is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, with simple workflows and clear instructions. Helium 10, on the other hand, offers a more complex interface with a steeper learning curve.

4. Customer support

Customer support is another key area where FeedbackWhiz and Helium 10 differ. FeedbackWhiz offers a range of customer support options, including phone, email, and chat support, as well as a comprehensive knowledge base and video tutorials. Helium 10, on the other hand, offers limited customer support options, with most support offered through email or chat.

5. Integration

FeedbackWhiz and Helium 10 differ in terms of their integration capabilities. FeedbackWhiz can be integrated with a range of third-party tools, including Shopify and Magento, as well as Amazon. Helium 10, on the other hand, is primarily designed for use with Amazon, and does not offer as many third-party integrations.

 FeedbackWhiz and Helium 10 are both powerful tools that can help Amazon sellers optimize their sales. However, the two platforms differ in terms of their pricing, features, ease of use, customer support, and integration capabilities.  the right platform for you will depend on your specific needs as an Amazon seller.

potential disadvantages of FeedbackWhiz could include:

1. Limited Integrations: FeedbackWhiz may not have as many integrations with other platforms or marketplaces compared to other feedback software, which can limit its overall functionality.

2. Complexity: Some users may find FeedbackWhiz to be complicated to use, especially if they are not familiar with software or tech.

3. Pricing: While FeedbackWhiz offers a variety of features, their pricing can be a bit steep for small businesses or sellers just starting out.

4. Inconsistent Customer Support: Some users have reported experiencing slow customer service response times or unhelpful support agents. However, this may not be the case for everyone.


FeedbackWhiz is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers looking for a comprehensive solution to manage feedback and reviews. Its features are designed to automate and streamline feedback management, while providing valuable insights into customer sentiment and sales data. Overall, it is a highly recommended tool for any Amazon seller looking to improve their feedback and review management process.
